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Partner With Us

We keep our doors open and our ideas inspired through collaboration with our diverse network of partners, from near and far.


These connections provide TSI with essential resources and show our students what it takes to succeed in the creative world.


We design bespoke collaborations to provide the value your organisation needs.

Donors / sponsors Whether through small grants, large funds, or donations of software, equipment, we rely on the generosity of those who care about the arts and the youth of Cambodia. See how it comes together.


Masterclass teachers These inspiring and generous souls give their time to teach professional secrets behind composition, recording, production and performance. Learn more.


Production partners From technical expertise to top-notch talent, we collaborate to create the best events, concerts, albums, and opportunities possible. Check out our latest creative collaboration


CSR Our Sound Studio creates original content for paying clients. Our artists get work. Aligned brands show their support for and investment in modern Khmer arts. See how it comes alive.

Current Partners


Previous Partners

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